Your my friend, so why do I need to hang out with you.(mini-thought edition)

I was never the biggest fan of social networks, but they have grown on me, I enjoyed creating my own page with MySpace, and then Facebook came and changed the game… But, I am not so much interested in talking about these networks, as much as I am interested about talking about what they seem to be lacking.  I have a good size group of friends, and most of them even live close to my home, sweet home; and yet when I try to get them together it is like herding cats. “I worked all day, I just want to chill”, “I have to work next week, I just want to chill”, etc…  At first I thought I just wasn’t that likeable (Crazy, I Know), but other people I know have been having the same reaction.  It seems like as long as you know your friends status, you don’t really need to hang out with them. Many of these sites even make it easier to find your friends, I mean stalkers make good use of these sites… … Maybe I need more stalkers as friends. Other than Farmville, why is it that no one is interested in using these networks to be social?

So, what do you think, do you hang out with you friends more or less since the creation of social networks?